Cyanotype development : New Jacquard UV Reactive Dye Tests

Having recently attended a performance by Shen Yu, colour will be increasingly important in the work going forward. Moving from the deep blue cyanotype images into more intense reds, violets and oranges that have been inspired by a very definite shift in emotions to a brighter, lighter feeling. An energy that is louder, bolder and all encompassing. One that is healthy, satisfying and alive with power, joy and freedom.      

And so in turning to the new year, plans begin for new cyanotype work. This year will see the further development of double exposure work and the extension of colour across the spectrum. Early colour tests revealed that the new dyes require a higher uv exposure than the traditional cyanotype formula which has meant that this has not been explored much over the winter period. 

So as the winter melts into a past of yesterday, spring emerges slowly and gently. From now until the springtime, the weather will be monitored for UV levels so that when the pattern starts to turn, concepts can be outlined and work prepared ready for the sun to arrive in force... along with the daffodils. 



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