Practice-Research : paper rails test

I tried the following to solve the issue. 

  • placed a large central cylinder for the full height of the spiral however this didn’t work effectively as it closed off entrances to the cross tunnels. 
  • tried separating the central cylinder but it still created gaps in which the player could fall off the ladder. 
  • tried using simple white rectangular panels which worked but didn’t look great.
  • I considered using a 3D transparent object with collision collider
  • Because I needed to experiment with material treatments as part of the experimental process, I applied a paper grass material.png and used transparency. This still needs a little work but it’s getting there. 
The player will no longer fall off the staircase... result :) 

The material is much more pleasing ‘papery’ effect which fits the aesthetic more closely.

Next steps... 

  • Add circular static images to begin exploring aesthetic choices. 

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