Research refocus - Interaction Design.

I am beginning to review the research I have conducted over the last 10 years and have concluded that although I wasn't aware of it the time (which seems to ridiculously obvious now) my research is located at the triangulation between...

Contemporary 3D animation practice
Human Computer Interaction (technology)
Human Nature Interaction (ecology)


What is the tension I experience when I interact with CGI Software as a stopmotion animator working in the animation industry and the visual arts?
How can I communicate my practice-based research to others in Academia and the wider research community?

And began with asking...

Was the tension one of :  
Craft Culture ?
Cultural values and beliefs? 
Embedded Processes? 
Haptic & Tactile sensory perception?
Software design? 
Periphery device design ? 
Cognitive load ? 
Something else... 

Animation theory was limiting to the scope of my enquiry. 

Since I walked away from these restrictions I have reviewed my research findings while working on a couple instructional print and e-learning projects. 

It seems to me that, on the surface of it, the tension I experienced as a traditional craft based stop motion animator in the controlled conditions of the studio or in wilder spaces in nature has allowed me to think about the notion of interaction generally. 

Whether that is interaction with ones materials, or the spatial awareness of the studio, the interaction with CGI software, the perception of motion in nature, or the sensitivity to change... 

It is clear to me that CGI users can be artists, technicians, programmers, craftsmen/women and model makers. This diversity makes the construction of a typical 'persona' particularly difficult. This can lead the user of the software to conclude that 'this software simply isn't designed for people like me'.

Added to this is the evolution of the software itself and how this has been integrated into 3D animation practice resulting in the evolution of contemporary 3D Animation practice and creating very difficult economic shifts in how one makes a living as a commercial 3D animator.

Adapt and change is the name of the game.

The new assumption I am making is that I may be able to develop intuitive interactions. For me, this begins with knowing your user - user based research, understanding naturalised ways  in which humans interact with each other and experimenting in natural more complex systems such as in Nature while thinking about Interaction design.

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