Helix - 12 Panels

Helix : 12 Panels

During the last 6 months I have produced instruction design for a mental health charity. The charity had a substantial archive of psychological and psychiatric resources and so I was able to conduct research in evolutionary psychology and mental modelling at the charities academic library. 

This was useful in informing my practice based research project that investigates tension in contemporary 3D animation. I am producing a set of 12 panels that present my research track as a static, 2D model. This will be developed as a short film that answers a number of questions investigated in my project.   

My thinking is that the research thesis is necessarily a dynamic form, most often represented as a concrete solid thing.. a written document with a few images and references within the forms disciplines (generally).

I think about my research as a living thesis that is dynamic, interdisciplinary, interconnected process. It exists in the context of a world of Quantum Physical and Newtonian Physical principles in a technological, systemic communications age.

Its a tricky process and there are many aspects that one must necessarily address, such as ones research methodology, informed by ones ontological and epistemological perspectives and a miriad of very important questions that position the research .

I am slowly working through the representation of these and planning to write a paper on each aspect. It is anticipated that this will take approximately a year to complete.

Thesis Panels & Animated Film


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