RCA Abstract & Synopsis: Presentation 18th May 2013


Error and trial: Accessing tacit knowledge embedded in practice through re-enactment.

Sarra Hornby PhD Candidate: Loughborough University.

Driven by different psychological and creative impulses; Sarra is an Artist-Animator and commercial stop-motion Animation Director.

Sarra will introduce her practice-based Animation research and then, using concept models she produced for The Day Pilsen Struck Gold (2010), will re-enact the process of structured improvisation and ‘trial and error’ to access tacit knowledge embedded in craft-based commercial animation production. 


Sarra Hornby                                                                                                  
Loughborough University, UK.
Royal College of Art
Exploring the role of the body and embodied spectatorship in moving image and animation Symposium
18th May 2013

Error and Trial: An example of tacit knowledge selected from practice-based animation research.
This paper presents an enactment of tacit knowledge that is embedded within my PhD practice-based animation research, entitled,
An experimental exploration of contemporary 3D Animation on the Cusp of CG Modelling and Craft Materiality
An important project within my research was the production of Helix, a short animated experiment produced in response to the difficulty of articulating a representing what one does in practice, in an evolving research environment.
Helix situates my conceptual mode of working and demonstrates my methodology of integrating theory and practice through animation. This paper uses concepts established by Helix but focuses less of conceptual models of my research track and re-enacts an actual example of tacit knowledge that is embedded within the contents of the animator’s ‘animated brain’.
Drawing from my own commercial practice, I will use the concept models I produced for, The Day Pilsen Struck Gold (Selected for Annecy, 2013), to demonstrate how I gain access to tacit knowledge. I will demonstrate how tacit knowledge is deployed in the commercial animation context and proceed to relate this to my central concern of my research project, that of exploring the tension experienced by the craft-based artist-animator on encountering CG modeling tools in the early stages of engagement.
Following the enacted example of tacit knowledge, I will briefly explain how the practice-based research project has evolved and where I am currently in the process.

The Day Pilsen Struck Gold

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