Thesis contents (incl Discussion notes)

Table of Contents (working Doc Feb 2013)
1. Research Context
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research questions, aims and objectives
1.3 Space-Time exploration and Contemporary 3D Animation
1.4 Organising Interdisciplinary Practice-Based Research: Helix (2012)
1.5 Discussion: Articulating practice-based research in an evolving and inclusive research environment?  

2. Nature
2.1 Introduction: Nature and Mind/Body Duality
2.2 Extending Theories of Animated ‘Life’: Holism and Nature     
2.3 Observation: Leonardo, Experiment and Engineering Research Experiments (2010)
2.4 Sensory Body: Tacit knowing, the senses and the natural environment
2.5 Nature: Computer Generation and Craft Stop-Motion Animation 
2.6 Discussion: How are Eye-Body-Natural environments engaged with in   Contemporary 3D Animation processes? 

3. Material and Light
     3.1 Introduction: Eye/Body relations in contemporary 3D Animation practice    
3.2 Tension between Craft/CG: The Turn to Craft & Nature Interconnection (2008)  
3.3 Craft Theory, Process and Materiality in 3D Animation practice  
3.4 Applying Basic Principles of CG Modelling to Craft: Materialising One (2008)
3.5 Applying Craft thinking to CG Modelling Tools Research experiments (2012)                 
     3.6 Materialising Light as Energy : Maholy-Nagy Research experiments(2012)
3.7 Materialising Code as Information : Virtual craft, Demoscene and Raspberry Pi 
3.8 Discussion: Is the tension between CG/Craft one of Materiality or one of     communication between self and context?  

4.  Pattern and Error 
     4.1 Introduction: Eye/Body knowledge acquisition and organization
     4.2 Cybernetics Theory: Gregory Bateson and Second order Cybernetic Theory
4.3 Observing Order and Randomness: Visual Perception and Perceptual Error
4.4 Observing Nature: Pattern order and categorization practice experiments (2012)  
4.5 Sensorial Processes: Recursion and repetition practice experiments (2012)
4.6 Producing Stop-Motion in a ‘Natural’ context practice experiments (2012)
4.7 Discussion:  Can shifting from an observed universe to one of cybernetics, information and communication bring cg/craft closer together? 

5. Time  
5.1 Introduction: Linearity, Recursion and Emergence in Time and Memory  
5.2 Linear Time in Nature: The observation of material decay  
5.3 Linear Time in Stop-Motion and CG Animation Production Research experiments
5.4 Recursive mechanisms in Natural Growth Research Experiments (2010)  
5.5 Recursion in Contemporary 3D Animation practice-theory
5.6 Time Unfolding: Linearity, Recursion and Reflection (Helix 2012)
5.8 Discussion: What are the differences between Linearity, Recursion and Emergence? How does one encounter these in a contemporary 3D Animation process?   

6.  Mind and Communication
6.1 Introduction: Eye-Body-Environment: Perception, Proprioception and knowledge acquisition
6.2 Limitations of an observed universe 
6.3 Communication between things: Ley’s Blade  ’Call & Response’
6.4 Software architectures boundaries and the Artists Will
6.5 Identity and the creative will 
6.6 The Iterative experimental Process and the organisation of recall Helix (2012)
6.7 Discussion: Recursive mechanisms/Recursive information, nature-mind-body, Pattern, Control, Purpose and the artist’s signature.
7.  Conclusion:

8.   Recommendations
Further development of Helix as a visualization and communication tool for Visual Arts Research  
Further research project development on aspects of currently suspended lines of investigation

9.   Portfolio

10. References

12. Appendices

Helix DVD:                 3DStudio Max Software File
                                    Helix Still Image from the Model
Practice Experiments DVD             
                                    Selected Helix Research Track Images  
Practice Experiments Samples
                                    Craft Experiments
                                    Helix Craft Model  

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