Helix: The contents of an animators animated brain

Helix: The contents of the animators animated brain

The presentation draws from Bateson's theory of consciousness and his texts Steps to an ecology of mind as a method of articulating a conceptual model of an animators animated brain. 


Knowledge acquisition cycle: a learning method from within practice. 
Mechanistic world view, materiality, linearlity, atomistic view of world of things.. The noun.
Different world view, system, cyclical and recursive processes between things... The verb. 
Pattern: relationships between things .. No-thing subconscious view of world... The verb (process) 
Reading of the pattern in the environment 
Knowledge acquisition from within contemporary 3D animation practice. 
Pattern: relationships between things
The Eye, hearing, body senses & environment relationship. 
    Stop motion animation production processes: craft repetition and shooting recursion
    Visual perception point and the capture of still frames in the stop motion process. 
    Stop motion dance and craft modelling: The rhythm in the head. 
    studio stop motion shooting and natural space shooting as a method of interrupting pattern. 
    Cg modelling and computation, a simulation of a recursive process in nature and conscious    
Communicating practice-based research towards narrative dominant theoreticians without submitting the language of practice to the language of theory. 

The dynamic helical model as a model of learning has alternate viewpoints. The model can be developed as a method of containing practice based experiments and as a communication tool of communicating experimentation.

Examples of viewpoints.

Linear Narrative

Finally: the subconscious viewpoint, making new connections from within time.


The problem of the causal relationship between 'self' and 'system'.


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