Thesis (Draft 01)

Provisional Thesis Structure

An exploration of contemporary animation on the cusp of computer generated (C.G) animation and craft materiality. 

Is there a tension at the space between CG modelling and material craft forms of 3D animation?

Is the tension attitudinal rooted in differences between cultural constructs or is it an issue of adaptation? 


            Formative Biography

            Digital Shift: On the cusp of the generational gap

Interdisciplinary practitioner exploring space-time on the cusp of animated film, kinetic sculpture and projection.

Commercial Practice in commercial 3D material craft and digital CG animation

Practice-based research Organima (2012)


            ‘Animation’ and a dominant epistemology (useful but not for all)


                        Binary argumentation Organima (2012)

            Recursive Epistemology

Conceptual Model

                                    Tracking practice-based research experimentation

Helix (2012)


Recursion, Pattern and working with error as a method of interrupting pattern in animation process. 
Literature Review

            Context and parameters of the study

CG is the dominant aesthetic in animation

CG represents a photorealistic depiction of nature, in form and phenomenon.   

Is the issue

One of Cognitive load in learning to use CG tools?

Human-computer interface development for the visual artist?

Craft Bias towards CG?  (Nature culture, fractals and craft)

Craft Haptic tactile thinking and cg materiality?

Physiological limits: Visual perceptual dominance and sensorial knowing?  

A tension between artificially constructed cultural and economic boundaries?

                                    Attitudinal? Cultural attitudes to work and play?  

Due to Epistemological and ontological differences?

                                                Mechanism/animism and Totemism

Object-subject argument




Observing nature

Order and the Thermodynamic world

Natural Phenomena and animated special effects

Randomness and mystification

Q.M and Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle (HUP)

Physiological limits: The whole senses and visual perception      

Light & Material


Glitch (2012)

Light and materiality

Hex (cg) (2013)

Hex (craft) (2013)


                        Repetition in animation processes  

Pattern and Rhythm

                        Recursion in nature

                        Recursion in computer graphics


                        Attitudes to work and play in animation: Art and industry

Applying craft thinking to CG basic principles

Error as a method of interrupting pattern to identify difference

The difference that makes the difference            


Research Outcomes

Future projects   


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