SAS Paper & presentation (Notes)

Sarra Hornby
Loughborough University. UK.

Helix: An animator’s animated brain recalling practice-based experimentation.

I will present short extracts from my animated film entitled, Helix (2012). This film was produced to illustrate connections between practice-based experiments conducted over time. It engages with the difficulty of presenting this information as a linear narrative.

This film illustrates how a narrative may necessarily be constructed to communicate iterative processes and phases of iteration that form the track of practice-based experimentation. The short extracts I present explore different structures of thought and methods of recall, accessible to the animator and the animated brain, that are specific to practice-based animation research. This is framed within second order cybernetics and animation theory, deploying terms from Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind (2000)  

The work explores the shifts between mechanistic and emergent structures of thought and how these engage with the process of theorizing animation from within an experimental animation practice.

This presentation does not seek to state what the animated brain is, only to present a visualization of the process of recalling practice-based research experimentation as a starting point for discussion about the content of an animator's animated brain.


1) Communicating practice based research beyond the internal-external threshold.  
2) Recursive and emergent process versus Linear, mechanistic narrative (Epistemology) frame
3) Bateson's Recursive epistemology and terminology
4) Recursion in animation practice, engagement with natural world and the animators animated brain  
5) Frame flexibility: Frame agility and an evolving knowledge environment. 
6) In focus/out of focus thinking 

Presentation (20 minutes) 

Communication between practice-theory

   The Threshold 

   Oscillation across boundary

   Epistemological difference (Helix)

The Helix form 

    Recursion Images (Helix)

    Structure of the Helix

    Dual thinking: Mechanism frame and Emergence Images 

    Frame flexibility images (Helix)

    Research environment 

The contents of the animators animated brain 

Example: The contents of the animators animated Brain tracking an idea from root to emergence. 

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