Helix: Contents

The Helix model is the container of the research experiments that have been conducted in practice-theory over time and therefore are organised in chronological order, in the first instance.

The still images represent critical aspects of experimentation that can also be viewed in a chronological sequence starting at the bottom of this blog and moving forwards in time. These are made visible at the right hand side of this blog. It is fortunate that the blog images have tracked practice since its inception in 2005 (this is currently open to be viewed by anyone and is published here) and this is a helpful archive of practice material from which one draws in practice-based research.

In addition to tracking the products of research experimentation, the track documents the experimental process of making in experimental animation itself as this is helpful in thinking about the ways in which one acquires knowledge of the world. (This aspect of the research seems to be suggesting a recursivity of knowing that can be described as a helical form of knowledge acquisition that could be nested within the Helix of practice-theory track.)  

Finally, Helix tracks back in time towards the formative biography which shaped earlier 'world views' that, in a certain sense, has aspects that form the initial conditions of the practice engagement in the first instance. 

Images from practice are currently being placed within the Helix model this week, the making and writing of Helix for presentation at SAS in June will be finalised concurrently.

In addition to the Helix animated film and paper,  it is necessary that key terms and concepts from Bateson's Steps to an ecology of mind be contextualised in practice and his system of ideas for clarity of presentation.

This will necessarily for a linear narrative structure but will illustrate the concept of 'double vision', and the difficulty of presenting knowledge gained from practice-theory research within a predominantly theoretician audience.  

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