Helix: An animated Mind (Animatic 2)

I have been working on the production of Helix: an animated mind, and have produced a short Animatic, entitled animatic 2. The film shifts between mechanistic to emergence and back again.    

The intention for this work is to illustrate the development of practice-research over a period of time. The film begins in presenting the cyclical process of project development.

Questions raised in this process are carried forward in an iterative fashion, to form the basis of the next project. This is often illustrated as a linear narrative,

However, in to better illustrate this in practice it may be presented as series of iterative loops

There is a continuous relationship between practice-theory that operates as a kind of double feedback loop. Practice informs theory, theory informs practice. Theory is a kind of environment from which one draws information and is the source of question generation. Questions raised in practice are informed by the wider network environment.     

The iterative process forms a series of projects that loops together in a linear fashion that itself forms a cycle or phase,

 Plan View


Side View

The way in which my process works is to construct a structure of thought as helix and as an emergent process.

This engages with the notion that the whole of ones practice is reflected upon concurrently as this allows for emergent properties from various projects to gain amplification and potentially form new connections.

The emergent thought process,

 Plan View

 Plan view
(with images from practice experiments)

Side View

The process can be seen as a dynamic structure and as an emergent process simultaneously.

To view the current animatic you will need to click the link below.

You will need to enter Vimeo Password 170672

Helix begins to define the framework in which the research project may be read. The thought process introduces the notion of emergence and pattern. The current focus is on how animation engages with pattern, both in physical processes and psychological functions in the animators own mind. In working with error as a method of locating points of resistance it is the intention of further define animation as a psychological evolutionary hybrid artform from within practice. This is the work currently being undertaken in the project entitled Hex.         

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