Totemism and Animism (Bateson)

This post describes Batesons theory on the difference between Totemism and Animism (anthropology) and explains how indigenous cultures relate to nature as a model or culture in 'Totemism', and how culture conversely relates to man as a model of nature.

This is useful in thinking about the difference between non projected pattern (natural scaling ad recursive fractals) and projected pattern (apophenia).

African indigenous cultures construct physical architecture of the village layout as recursive and scaling fractal geometry (Eglash) applying their observation of fractal geometry of nature within a cultural model of totemism.

Apophenia is the projection of  anthropological characteristics onto natural form and the elements,  within a cultural model of animism.

Bateson connects his analogy-homology-Homonomy abstractions as a way to clearly articulate the comparative equivalence in thinking about 'totemism' and 'animism'. This theory can be applied to animation theory and will help to better articulate the research experiments conducted in the research project.

The research experiments are exploring with the ways in which physical and conceptual modelling is undertaken in transarchitectural modelling in animation practice ( cgi modelling, stop-motion model making, dynamic elemental modelling, moving across media boundaries); and the rhythm-pattern-structure relations can be described as operating a different levels of construction, that is to say on the level of physical surface and deep pattern structures found in nature, conceptual model constructions in the mind and the convergence of these two within cgi 3d virtual space and artefact modelling (abstracted in practice as similar to handling light) and finally conceptual modelling (this can be illustrated in the methodology animations 'Organima' and 'Helix'.

Does the animation process of 'transarchitecture' best reveal the physical construction and psychological interpretation of visual and special effects in contemporary animation? (

N.B How can I really research and explain, within the limits of the study, the interpretation of the visual effects in this practice based research project.. This would require a large sampling and detailed questioning of the audience.  Should I focus purely on what the practice based experiments seems to be suggesting a new term 'transarchitecture' (a form of transliteracy in visual three dimensional form)?

The terms 'totemism', 'animism', 'apophenia', Homonomy, transarchitechture (transliteration but in three dimensional form), will be added to the working list of terminology. (To be added to the blog shortly).

'totemism' (Bateson)


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