Project structure update

Explore the Border land at the cusp of contemporary animation, craft-cgi. 

Applying basic principles of cgi to material craft

Applying craft thinking to cgi 



  Initial research focus: An exploration of contemporary animation on the cusp of cgi  
  modelling and craft materiality.
  Similar-differences and different similarities between  craft and cgi in animation. 

  Exploration of material craft in animation 

  Craft thinking: an outline 

  Exploration of Craft thinking in stop-motion Animation (Practice)

  The basic principles of cgi modelling in contemporary animation 
  Applying craft thinking to cgi/ cgi principles to material craft
  Light: material handling and uncertainty in practice.
  Constructed and found systems.
  Constructed systems: cgi and stop motion animation. 
  Found systems: nature and the natural elements: 'location c' studies
  Working with natural elements, form and pattern in practice.
  Working with error as a method of revealing a systems structure.
  Error as a method of discovering structure and pattern. (the craftsman) 
  Interrupting pattern to reveal systems structure/limits
  Applying craft thinking, the workmanship of risk, error to cgi : 'glitch' animation
  Locating points of resistance in animation practice. 
  Sensing Structure through pattern and rhythm in practice.
  Projected and not projected pattern.
  Non projected pattern: african fractals: Eglash : ' Spira' animation
  Agency and the origins of pattern and structure formation  Eglash 
  Projected pattern: Apophenia (seeing things in pattern) and mystification in  
  animation.  Theory of mind: Bateson 

  schizophrenia (metaphor/object confusion) Bateson

  Natural elements, random pattern and  its deployment in Visual/special effects
  traditions of linear narrative animation.



  Practice-theory Model (literature-experimentation)
  "The way I think"
  The Oscillation mechanism in the double feedback loop 'Organima'  Animation
  Iteration and Emergence in research 'Helix' Animation
  Method: Working with Error in constructed and found systems 
  Cybernetics systems theory

Working with error and exploring pattern, rhythm and structure in animation. Tool: the animation spectrum (orthodox/experimental) from a cybernetic systems perspective. 
Practice: experimental animation. 

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