Practice-theory notes: Revised Contents structure & current lines of investigation

Is animation a cybernetic organism expressing itself? Cultural document of the cybernetic/cyborg evolution? 

What are the limits to current theory? Is there a dominant framework?

1) establish an alternative way of thinking about 'life' in animation. (viva)
2) establish an alternative way of thinking about 'time' in animation. (viva)
3) establish the methodology of research process.
4) establish the location of the study at the interface between CG/craft.
5) representations of nature in animation. 
6) cgi visual effects: background animation claims for cgi replication.
7) Disney special effects mechanics-myth-mysticism nature as character. 
8) Vitalism-mechanism and organicism in other frames of reference. 
9) cybernetics and the cyborg
10) organicism in nature and animation. 
11) experimental animation and natural phenomena as mysticism/surrealism
12) reading nature and animation from within different cultural frameworks.
13) How do the Reading of 'life' and 'liveliness' in African, and eastern cultures differ from white Christian European cultures. African algorithm in architecture and mythological computational roots, systems processes in natural systems and human practical craft knowledge in using materials in conjunction with nature knowledge. 
14) different ways of knowing and transferring knowledge. Visual Eye dominance, tactile/haptic and tacit knowledge, text-linguistic code systems.
15) binary/quarternary code systems (computation-human)

A valid intellectual position is 'biological-naturalism' who's heritage includes philosopher-biologists such as Henri Bergson, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Gregory

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