Questions . Terms . Refs

Practice experiments for Vimeo. 

What is animation? 

What is 'time'? 
The watch: different ways of thinking about time, measuring time, static, linear thinking and the unfolding of time.

Cyclical and linear notions of time. 

How and what is 'animated' in nature? 
Practice example: Location C 
Mechanical dynamics, clock-like phases, entropic systems. 

How are natural processes and forms represented in  animation? 
Disney: the idea of nature in Disney

‘the ideological imperative in disney’s “silly symphonies” and early features may be understood as populist utopianism, accentuating the positive, the aspirational and the rural, in the face of an advancing modern world’ (2002a: 23).

Elemental Magic: the art of special effects animation by Joseph gilland (ref'd)

The origins of the replication of natural plant formation. Geometry and fractal growth and algorithmic scaling and repetition.

What is the process of the construction of natural form in computation? 
Location B: Fractal form in the fern
Inbetween o and 1 is the spiral motion. 

Branching mandelbrot geometry as natures construction process.

How is form constructed using the tool of cgi ? 
Tree: systems breaking. To learn about a system, handling light & transparency. optimisation. Surface/structure. Affordances and constraints. 

What is the tension at the human-computer interface located between cgi and craft materiality? 
Optimisation: light rendering costs and 
Human extension over physical limits: Human labour and value
Domination, power & control: fear over dominant systems 

What are the essential differences and alignments between computation, nature and human? (text)
Numeral systems (ciphers) 
Binary Cloud: binary system - organic computing
Quarternary cloud: DNA  and african divination/nature-computational growth.

How is form constructed in nature? 
Hexagon: biogenesis, surface pattern & structure, cell membrane, open/closed systems. (Maholy-Nagy)

How is form constructed using natural materials in craft? 
Paper making. 

How is form constructed and controlled in a simple life form?
Vitalism-mechanism organicism. 
Helios: amoeba, diversity and structure/environment relations

How is form constructed and controlled in more complex natural 
life forms? 
Vitalism-mechanism organicism. 
Locust: structure & crowd control 
Mechanical use of armature based on human form in animation. 

How is form constructed and controlled in the human form? 
Vitalism-mechanism organicism cybernetics 
I: human as cybernetic organism. 
Projection onto paper human puppet. 
Mechanical motion and the bounded object identity set against systems network control in artificial space (artist connected to network) 
or set against natural complex systems network in actual space.

Feedback mechanism is practice-theory research. Emergence. 
Organima: organismic biology animation of a double feedback process. 

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