Animation.. A cybernetic organism expressing itself?

Is animation an expression of the story of the evolution of the cybernetic organism? Is it itself a cyborg? 

Organima : cyborg-animation, It's life Jim but not as we know it. 

Is animation a cultural document of the struggle at the boundary of human evolution in what has always been a technological age, in fact the technological age is just a label that illustrates humankinds inate ability to extend human physical function in its desire to solve human problems, be those physical limits in body or mind?

How can animation be an art form in which the animator is both author and agent of the humanist text,  illustrating the evolution of mind and body as a second world embodying a second form of life?

Is Animation a cybernetic organism expressing itself? The form illustrates the physical social and intellectual evolution of humanity in both it's material content and it's technological development. 

Animation is both a cultural document and historic artefact of the humans complex relation to the self, nature and machine, that of the bounded physical machine, the computational machine network and the complex natural organic system. 

Practice engages with the humanist tension located in the space between cybernetic systems and the bounded organism in which human is fearful of being subsumed by the pervasiveness of technology, finding self-realization in the original unity of nature. 

Choosing to give up control to nature rather than the cybernetic system in which no one appears to be steering but in actual fact has many hidden steering control mechanisms. Is this in fact a decision in which natural death is accepted over eternal life as a final actual act of human experience. 

The research engages with visual and special effects animation that replicate natural forces and phenomena, technological developments in animation and the human-computer interface; and invisible agents of systems forces as a metaphor of humanist narrative framing this within cybernetic systems theory. 

Is Animation the human story of anxiety arisng between tye desire to obtain eternality and physical and mental liberty, over human frailty, failure and death, choosing to turn to the original unity of nature?

" ... computer networking ... can lead to an immense diversity of cultural transformations, and in science and philosophy, enriched definitions of the human condition. Computer networking responds to our deep psychological desire for transcendence – to reach the immaterial, the spiritual – the wish to be out of body, out of mind, to exceed the limitations of time and space, a kind of bio-technological theology. (Ascott, 1999: 86)

Does this desire for transcendence operate as a mechanism for the willing suspension of disbelief in the reception of animation?



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