
1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Literature Review

3.1 CG 3D Computer Animation
3.1.1 Historical context CGI Tool Development Photorealism in Visual Effects Traditions Counter Culture Amiga Demo-scene
3.1.2 Claims for CG and Nature replication
3.1.3 Gaston Bachelard: Critique of Science

3.2 Basic Principles of CG and Craft Practice
3.2.1 Historical Craft Context
3.2.2 Tracking the Historic and Neo American Avant Garde
3.2.3 Henri Bergson and Creative Evolution

4. Practice Experiments
4.1 Light
4.2 Material
4.3 Time

5. Experiment and discussion
5.1 Force-Object: light-material-time
5.2 Science-Creative convergent thought

6. Conclusion
6.1 Technological Evolution in Contemporary Animation

7. References

Supervision feedback suggests that this structure may be too disjointed for a practice based research project and that it would benefit from an improvement in flow, and integration theory with the practice experiments.

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