BIAD conference

This conference deviated from the usual conference format. I was asked to discuss my practice- based research approach with a fellow student researcher. We had spoken for a few hours previously and this had led to the identification of several points of convergence and divergence between our practices. Following the conference we have discussed a potential collaboration focusing on the organic diagram.

The following abstract became a point of departure for our work...

Abstract : Practice-based Visual Research: Evaluating the Relationship between Computer Generated 3D Animation and Material Craft Processes

This paper is intended to provide an example of how practice-based research can be configured, illustrating how research can be conducted, recorded and evaluated to meet the challenges of delivering new knowledge within art and design disciplines and the wider academic community.

Critical methods already embedded in one’s creative practice can be theorised to identify a research methodology that satisfies the needs of both the Academy and the artistic process. This will be illustrated by discussing how the emerging methodology in a practice-based project can best be described as a double feedback loop, deploying iterative and reflexive research methods in which the process of film experiment production drives the research progress.

The management of this model can be illustrated through a secure online depository that records all aspects of the evolution of the research project. My depository contains a body of research assets including a reflective journal, hyperlinks to specific media sites, online research texts, journals, still images and other research resources.

Critically the depository contains the double feedback loop operating between the iterative research cycle deployed in the process of producing short film experiments and the reflexive practice. The maintenance of the depository works effectively and efficiently enough to allow the necessary time and space required for the creative process to emerge, engage and develop the project while also providing a sound structure that satisfies the requirement of the academy.

The issue of polemic argument as inherent in the current academic system, that of binary positioning. The events closing discussions highlighted a tension between polemic argument and a third space as a negotiatable interspace in which new knowledge is open to a discussion as a fluid and flexible position with the potential for the extension or negotiation of existing argument.

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