The watch

The Watch is a short animated film that is currently in development. It is a collection of connected sequences that express aspects of human-technological convergence from multiple perspectives. The work intentionally expresses a pleuralistic epistemology, speaking to the many ways in which one can experience the world.A Travelling through and inside of the cusp of an unfolding narrative of psychological and technological evolution.

Aspects of the film sequences relate to....

Notions of time

   Virtually constructed digital artefacts
   Natural object 
Craft artefact

force and the agents of force
   Mechanistic automation

This film will be edited together using a number of intuitive processes, to attempt to connect the sequences in less mechanistic style of narrative structure, unless there is a requirement to bring focus at various points throughout. This is in consideration of the form of the usual narrative structure that can arise from traditional story boarding techniques and will hopefully allow for a shifting between mechanism/organism, male/female positions, technology/nature, object/process, from binaries into the interspace, a space of fluidity and negotiation.

The practice experiments will feed into this project however, their purpose in research will be investigative, their use in this film will form narrative content. The film may be linear, cyclical or multi linear in form.

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