Reference Material: Current Practice and Theory Texts

Journal Articles

Bode: From Citizens to Teflon Stars: The reception of te Transfiguring Effects of New Moving Image Technologies
Griffin: Concrete Animation
Jones: Vanishing Point: Spatial Composition and the Virtual Camera
The Politics of Media in Stan Vanderbeek's Poemfields
Chow Ka-nin: The spiritual-Functional Loop: Animation redefined in the digital age
Bigelow: Technologies of Perception: Miyazaki in Theory and Practice
Fleisch: Borderline Animation
Power: Animated Expressions: Expressive Style in 3D Computer Graphic Narrative Animation
Lambert: Review: Catherine Mason: A computer in the Art Room: The origins of British Computer Arts 1960-1980
Patterson: Poemfields and the Materiality of the Computational Screen
Bartlett:Stan Vanderbeek Re:animated
Furuhata: Rethinking Plasticity: The Politics and production of the Animated Image

Key Texts

Paul Wells: Understanding Animation
Animation Theory

Paul Wells: Animation: Genre and Authorship
Animation Theory

Paul Wells and Johnny Hardstaff: Re-Imagining Animation. The changing Face of Moving Image
Pedagogy and Animation Theory

Alan Cholodenko: The Illusion of Life II

Animation Practice, Process & Production

Paul Wells new journal on Animation Theory

Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Suzanne Buchan's Journal for Animation Theory

The Society for Animation Studies
Paul Wards Journal for Animation Theory

SAS Conference: Melbourne 2012
Animation Theory discourse

03/03/12: Spaces of Transformation Continuity/Infinity: Tate Modern
Visual Arts discourse in spatiality (temporality)

Evolution Animation 2010
Animation Theory Discourse

Pervasive Animation : Tate Modern 2006
Animation Theory Discourse

Droidmaker: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution

Ed Catmull and the development of cgi process

Lev Manovich: The Language of New Media
Moving-Image Theory

Moving Image Technology
The historical development of technology in moving-image practices

Ed Catmull: A computer Hand

Ed Catmul: Talks of 'Hand' in conference

John Whitney: Matrix III
Analogue computing aesthetics


Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand
Crafts and Technology convergence

The Craftsman
Crafts research

The Case for working with the hands
Crafts research

Charles Bell: The Hand
Physical handling of material

Crafts Council UK
Current discourse in material craft practices

RSA: Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
Craft discourse

Material Thinking
Craft Theory

William Kentridge: Thinking Aloud
Material handling in traditional materials, light projection and ways of seeing.

Esther Leslie: Hollywood Flatlands

Animation and the Avant Garde (Marx position)

Random Order: Robert Rauchenberg and the Neo Avant Garde
Entropy in material artefacts and the move to cinematic art : White Canvas and Nature

Vision in Motion: Laszlo Moholy Nagy
Artist meets new materials: Plastic and new light practices emerge (The Light Prop)

Stan VanDerBeek: The Culture Intercom

Expanded Cinema, Light Projection as a new collage material & computation aesthetics

Stan Vanderbeek: Documentary Part 1
Stan Vanderbeek: Documentary Part 2

Artist meets new technology: New computer aesthetics, the extension of the hand and Freedom

E.A.T: Experiments in Art and Technology
Artist meets technology relationship

09/03/12: Radical Aesthetics: Nottingham Contemporary
Evolutionary/revolutionary positions in visual arts theory


Thinking Time: An Introduction to Henri Bergson
Reading guide to Bergson

Henri Bergson: Matter and Memory
Philosophy: Time, Creative Thinking Knowledge of intellect, intuition and action.

Henri Bergson: Time and Free Will
Philosophy: Time and Creative Thinking

Henri Bergson: An Introduction to Metaphysics (Text)
Henri Bergson: An introduction to Metaphysics (Audio)

Philosophy: Time and Creative Thinking

Henri Bergson: Creative Evolution
Philosophy: Time, Creative Thinking and the evolution of thought.

James and Bergson: A Study in Contrasting Theories of Life
Psychology and Philosophy

Deleuze: Cinema 1
Moving Image Philosophy (emerged from Bergson)

Deleuze: Cinema 2

Moving Image Philosophy (emerged from Bergson)

The Ecological Self : Freya Mathews
The philosophy of Deep Ecology: Human relationship to Nature

Relationscapes: Movement, Art and Philosophy



Haeckel His Life and Work: Wilhelm Bolsche
Biological evolution and aesthetic representation of the ordinarily intangible/tactile object

The Self-Made TapestryPattern Formation in Nature: Philip Ball
Patterns as visual representations of the evolutionary process

On Growth and Form: D'Arcy Thompson

Biological Evolutionary processes


The selfish Gene
The Meme and the replication of knowledge in culture

The evolution of Revolutions
How revolution occurs and how to identify the indications of change

Intelligence (A.I and Insect Intelligence)
Robots and Avatars

Artificial Intelligence


Journal for Artistic Research
Presenting Visual Arts research in innovative ways

The Organic Diagram
The representation of new knowledge concluded from Visual Arts Research, and specific to Animation Research. The organic diagram has both Visual Image and Notation to illustrate the incremental changes in research process, when placed in sequence illustrates an animated form of knowledge presentation.

Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries: Hillary Collins
Iterative Cycles Method: Incremental changes feed back into further research cycles as a form of evolution. This method is adaptive from computer software development and engineering research methodologies.

Practice as Research: Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry Barrett and Bolt

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