Points of Connection Between CG Modelling and Craft Materiality

This list will be modified over the next few Months however, as a starting point I am beginning to identify points of connectivity between CG Modelling and Craft Materiality.

Labour and Efficiency: Productivity in terms of volume of products produced and the Capitalist Agenda(New Media:Lev Manovich) Software limitation and complicit software usage.(Re-Imaging Animation: Hardstaff)

Tools: Machine and Hand Tools - The in-computer warning notices (Bias towards Photo-realism?) & using ready-made meshes and google image Bump Maps.

Model-Making Process: Craft Model, Virtual Model and Digital Printing

Perfection and Error: CG Photo-Realism V Human Capacity for Error

Individuality and Replication: Novelty. Originality and creativity V The Reproduced (Bergson)

Notation: Craft Notation in sewing patterns and computer coding. (Language & Semiotics)

Thinking Processes: Slow V Fast (The importance of cognitive Thinking? Control on Outcome?)(Thinking Aloud: William Kentridge)

Materials: Material Thinking (The practitioner/Material Feedback Loop) and Virtual CG Materiality. (Research within the Textiles Research Group)

Time: Two Notions of Time: The unfolding of Time as a process and The Spatial Mechanistic Architecture of Time (Bergson)

Nature: Domination of Nature, Realism (Natural Phenomena) and the Virtual World (Elizabeth Grosz)

The practice is working through these points of connection by producing short moving-image experiments.

Cinefx round table discussion on CGI development is a starting point for better understanding the premise of CGI technology, mainly in it's unquestionable excellence in photo-realistic representation of actual world. I have read a copy of this which will be posted in full at a later date.


Moving-Image Experiments

"The Watch":

Two Notions of Time illustrated as the unfolding of Time as a process and the Spatial Mechanistic Architecture of Time (Henri Bergson). CG representation of Ice Bowls reverse and play out time in an installation/Performance work based on the concept of "The Sinking Bowl" Clock.. introduced to measure time for agricultural purposes, however, the notion of Chaos Theory is introduced in using Ice-Bowls that melt according to the temperature of the environmental conditions.'The Watch' considers the watching of time unfolding and the notion of a mechanistic 'clock-time' representing the CG process as "reversible time", illustrated by projecting "cg ice bowls" onto the surface of the water.

Intention: To allow thinking through practice regarding notions of Time. CG and the way in which Time is thought about.


Thinking about the moment of indecision between showing the front or back-face of an object"Glitch 01", and how this may be thought of as a hyphen or a point of evolution in the process of transformation. The film begins in a maze of walls, the camera navigates it's way through the maze but then begins to go through, this is first met at speed and then slowed down to reveal something is in the space between. The animation continues to transform from '1' to '0' from line (3d wall) to circle (3D Sphere). It does this by moving through an 'hexagonal' phase (referring to natural pattern formation)

Intention: Is to think about the Human/Computer Interface as an evolution of practice and process. This work is quite complex and could be understood in a number of aspects (as a number of points of connection maybe illustrated)


Artificial Intelligence in insects and how this relates to Human Logic. Using a process of templating the 'real' and translating that into CG, this will involve the deconstruction of a 'real' Locust Insect.

Intention: To think about the human/computer interface, cybernetics, craft/new media processes and forms of intellectual knowledge.This experiment is intended as a small scale working concept of a later work that could see the construction of 'I' as a virtual body and Craft(Paper Puppet) body.

I have recently added this text to my reading list, and this should arrive over the next few days.

'Abstracting Craft: The practiced digital hand"

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