Fabia & Sarra : Research work in Progress Meeting 14th March 2012

Fabia presented her research work to date, showing three of her most recent films.

There are extensive e-memos for this presentation, including my own. The feedback was very useful, a number of students commented that the work should be more accessible, and that they could see that the work had some interesting research strands however they were unclear at this time exactly where the research is intended to evolve.

I referred back to the core research questions a few times but may have given too much information about the entire research based practice, in addition to the commercial practice, as this was probably a little overwhelming.

Next time I will try to structure a step by step development of the core research questions in slide format as that appears to be the most accessible format for presentation. However, the informal context of the work was helpful at this time as it give a much more fluid discussion of the project, and the research interests.

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