Limitation CG: Hitting the Wall/Working with the Wall

I have been weaving materials in practice and thinking of how the hands weave wire and cotton thread, and how this action aligns with the attempt to 'weave' light in the creation of the artefact in cg animation. I am thinking about the physicality of the virtual wall and the act of walking through, and the construction of, this wall.

The construction of a virtual wall, as used as the architecture of A CG environment for a computer game uses coding to restrict or allow movement around the virtual space. A device called a noclip mode can be deployed by the computer programmer to allow them to walk through walls in order to access parts of the game quickly without having to play the game as intended.

Thinking of moving the camera through digital space, I began to think about the action of the body moving through a virtual wall, The collision impact of this event, and what it means to construct such a wall. To take this one step further, I am reminded of the car accident in which I hit a telegraph pole in my car, and how this event seemed to slowly unfold, as if in slow motion, the loss of control, my own scream fading out into silence prior to the collision impact.This event is referred to in the work 'Time', and the research into the old brain, the amygdala, that may be considered a kind of 'internal animation mechanism'.

I am reminded of receiving my own instruction in 3D Studio Max, in the creation of a cg environment, box modelling and cg animation. We were instructed not to allow the camera to hit any walls. An image of the transparent city wall has a boolean archway through which the camera can pass under, and into the city. The camera could actually just have passed through the wall!Ordinarily the hitting of a wall is best avoided if the illusion of the viewers passage through the virtual architecture is to be maintained.

What does it mean to pass through a solid material (constructed from particles), as if one were a wave passing through water, or light through paper, or camera through cgi wireframe. I have been thinking alot about materials that could be passed through and yet projected upon, and for some time I have been considering a project which projects moving images onto waterfalls. Last night I researched the process of constructing a virtual waterfall using the particle dynamics action of the 3Ds Max software.How could I explore the notion of traversing a space via a passing through of material, projection and a wall of water ?

The 'Noclip' aspect of the software may be worth exploring further as it may answer questions related to the virtual and materiality, in regards to the act of passing through a wall, and the act of weaving light', constructing architecture in cg.

I have created an experimental cg animation in response to the question "What happens when a camera is passed through a virtual wall? You will need to type the password 'A917058' to access.

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