A Blade of Grass

I am attempting to track the logical progressions made throughout the practice to date. I will do this by identifying the moments that prompted the interrogation of questions naturally arising in practice and connect these moments and try to define how the questions were answered in subsequent experimental practice and in doing so will begin to define how the research project fits into the wider context within the field and further to extend beyond the field into the wider context of the research community.

Finding a physical universal object 'grass'
Finding physical materials that may be considered universal: Paper and Thread
Finding simple tools: Needle and Surgical knife
Constructed using the hands
These materials offer the ability to reveal the material qualities of light
The act of construction
3d Construction created from multiple viewpoints
Can this object now be presented on screen in 2D space?

Represented as a screen
surface tension of a three three dimensional object, drawn and observed from a previous
representation, is represented in 2 dimensional space, as if on a screen.
Images captured through the screen reveal physical space through the 'window'.
Notice points of light through the material and consider how these points may be captured
in CG. I also began to think about the screen, the computer screen and the projected image
in terms of projection mapping onto a 3d screen could be similar to the idea of 'wrapping' a
cgi frame in a 'map'.

The consideration of light led to the construction of two further models, One and
Interconnection. The themes fro these objects is personal however, the way in which they are
approached is a continuation of the initial enquiry. The human aspect of the enquiry relates
to notions of 'body' and 'death'.


The Physical Body as organic mechanism, the heart
Hand pulled strings to motion the heart valves illustrate the hands of human in giving life
to Human.

Templating the body in wrapping paper around the limb and pricking with a needle
Dissecting 'flower' observing individual components and reconstructing
Constructing a mechanism in materials that would decay and decompose. Presenting as an
object of engineering and as a symbol or representation of spirit.

Taking pressed flower dissected in 'One' as a direct template of the 'real'
Thinking about textiles and Engineering use of 'templates'
Thinking about the construction of self, entropy and decay of self.
Noticing changes in light and environment in the extension of other senses , for example in
the dark the hearing detects the electric fence and parameter fences.

Organic Research Diagram Image
Exploring world and making tracks in physical space
Observing changing conditions related to cyclical time.
Looking at Nature as a complex system of responses.
Walking wearing away surface to reveal tracks of human travel in the landscape.
Light and Shadow

Light and construction
Physical observation of the fern structure
unfurling related to natural daylight
acting out of fern motion in physical space
Physical construction of the form
Representation of Time Line
Representation of the space between binary positions of the 0 and 1

Am I proposing that cgi technology is an extraordinary tool with seeming unlimited capacity to create environments but has limits in representing the natural world ? Am I proposing that the user must necessarily have observational knowledge and experience gained from the physical world in order to represent it?

Most research literature compares CGI to 2D animation but I am comparing CGI with forms of Stop-Motion, deploying materiality to reveal limits in CGI. Using material objects in real space is contrasted to virtual 'frames' mapped with 'wallpaper obtained from photographic reference material, obtained online or through drawn, painted and scanned material created by the user. What decisions are made to ascertain when a flat texture can represent the natural world?

The work does have personal narrative to it, at some level. Could this be problematic or does this reveal something of my own philosophical position that reveal something else about my research area.

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